Photographic Study Project

For this project I decided to take pictures of and design a collage for the Avid S6 audio control console that I use at work. It was a fun subject to take pictures of. Luckily this console is in a room with controllable light so it was easy to get even light on the subject. I like the way the the collage came together and I think it works well! Here are the pictures I took that didn’t make it into the collage.


Screen and console from the side


Up close of some of the knobs


Up close of the faders


Up close of the faders from center


Side view of top knobs


Angle view of faders


Angle view of knobs


Up close of transport and center section


Here is the final collage

Process: I used a wide angel cinema lens for all of these pictures and for most of them was using an aperture of 1.5. This gave me a really narrow depth of field and with this console ended up producing some great results. I tried to use a variety of angels and I wanted to make sure I had one picture in the collage of the whole console. I’m pretty happy with the final product!

Critique: I received critique from Ashlee DeanWesley Hartzell and Sister Peterson. Sister Peterson mentioned that there was an orange tint to my images which I tried to fix, she also mentioned that she would like to see the logo smaller and see some pictures that were more up close. I had some ready so I popped them in and I think it turned out well. Ashley also mentioned that she wanted to see some more up close images.

I provided critique for Joseph Devincenzi and Judy Carroll.





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