Tasteful Typography


Here is the screenshot of my project


For this project I started with this picture that I took of a raven last year. I Like this image a lot and it provided some space where it would be easy to put some text. I wanted a large but not to distracting of a font for my title and a easy to read font for my body. I ended up using Desdemona as the title and Helvetica Neue for the body.

Critique Report:

I got some feedback from Kori Buttorff and Brady Jestice, but I found the most helpful critique came from Sister Peterson. She mentioned that I forgot to include a design element and I liked her idea of using snowflakes. She also mentioned that my body was too large and that I had a widow. I was able to fix those things and I think it turned out well.

I provided some feedback on this project to Scott Newburn and Meranda Leon.

Link to image:

Fonts: Title: Desdemona, Slab Serif  Body: Helvetica Neue, Sans Serif

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